Thursday, March 11, 2010

Guess where I'm posting from?

YES! Finally...I am sitting here, on the couch, with wireless internet finally working. I only hope it continues to work because I thought I had it working this afternoon and then wasn't able to get a connection. I am so excited! It is so nice to feel like I am still spending time with my husband, watching our evening tv shows together, and yet, I am blogging at the same time.

I have spent literally all afternoon trying to figure this wireless internet thing out. I have installed, re-installed, and re-installed again. Finally, I "give up", shut it all down for dinner, get some bible reading in, kids bathed and in bed, and come back to see what I can do. And voila...HERE I AM!!! WIRELESS!


Unknown said...

I think it was the Bible reading that did the trick! Glad you are now disconnected. Or connected? Whichever, I am glad for you!

Janice said...

You needed Brandon - we just wait until he comes home to fix everything! He'll be home in 2 weeks if you need any more help!!

Molly Gustafson said...

Yeah! So glad you have wireless. Those dang routers are enough to give anyone heart burn... The day Gabe did ours was crazy! We don't even have a laptop- you are waaaay more tech-y than me!