Sunday, March 14, 2010

Missing teeth...

Someone in our house has a bunch of loose teeth...that someone is Miss Brenna. She seems to be loosing teeth like crazy right now. Currently, Brenna is missing two teeth on her bottom right side and it's making it a little difficult to eat. The next tooth to come out is on the top left. I was hoping to get it out today but loosing one a day seems to be all Brenna can handle. These silly teeth are really just hanging on by one TOUGH thread. And, I can't believe how much they bleed when they do come out.

You know, the more I think about it, the Tooth Fairy may go broke if she looses more than one a day. Maybe we will just keep that upper tooth in for a few more days. HA!


Unknown said...

Just an FYI: The tooth fairy can subcontract tooth removal with Uncles that live in E-town! What happened to the timer???? Okay, okay, a one day delay is allowed. Christmas is too far away for her to ask for her two BACK teeth! Hang in there Brenna-B.

Janice said...

Well - how about a donut? A little bribe never hurt - right Aunt Tanya?!?! :-)